Our | Courses. Assessment. Certification.

Our courses are aimed at improving participants' road traffic and field operations safety awareness while ensuring that they attain the international safety standard expected in today's logistics and construction environment.  We have a well structured 3 Dimensional module Training designed for people who have never driven before or people who need a refresher course.

In Class Training

This is to prepare learners to the challenges of driving in relation to their environment, the mindset that precipitates these challenges & the way out. Visual aids, multimedia & supporting presentations are used to aid delivery.

Simulator Training

This is a first-hand introduction of our learners to a real traffic situation, leveraging on technology. Most of the topics to be taken during the in-car session would be introduced from this phase of learning.

In-Car Training

As helpful as the simulator can be, a learner’s training will not be complete without applying it in the real world. ACECenter Driving School have vehicles with control you need to be familiar with as it relates with the new evolving technology.

Theory Sessions

Covering the principles of defensive driving and the Highway codes

Pre-driving Checks

To ensure the vehicle is roadworthy and its functions are familiar to the driver

Individual Driving Assessment

Comparison with previous results with a view to providing constructive advice and encouragement

Practical Coaching

To develop heightened perception skills and "system" driving


Learning points and key areas for further development of skills & the effect of human factors (attitude, fatigue etc.) on performance.


Assessment report and certification

Proficiency Improvement & Safe Driving Course 
for Fleet Vehicle Drivers


  • Communication
  • Speed judgment
  • Vehicle positioning
  • Time and space judgment
  • Hazard perception


  • Revisit core skills taught on previous driver training and further develop them
  • Reaffirm an understanding of the principles & skills of defensive driving
  • Demonstrate and develop a systematic approach to hazards
  • Develop the ability to carry out driving commentary effectively
  • Put skills into practice

Our Driving & Operators Proficiency Improvement and Interpersonal Skills course is designed for Light and Heavy goods vehicle fleet drivers and operators whose initial training may not have been utilized over an extended period (up to 2 years) and those who may never have benefited from structured instruction, abinitio.

We offer a refresher driving course which seeks to measure proficiency against previously acquired training, consolidate positive attributes and enhance basic skills via planning, observation, concentration and anticipation.

Objectives of the session

To assess, encourage and improve driver knowledge and skills
To assess, encourage and improve driver perception skills and psycho-motor responses
To evaluate the driver's risk recognition and judgment
To evaluate the driver's on-the-road performance in each of the following skills:

Proficiency Improvement & Certification/Safe 
(Defensive) Driving Course

The Proficiency Improvement & Certification/Safe (Defensive) Driving Course Schedule

  • Introduction to the concept of Defensive driving
  • Improving driver observation skills
  • Hearts and Minds (Sharing the road with others safely)
  • Driver Condition (Fatigue, Drugs and Alcohol)
  • Common Driving Errors and Violations
  • Dealing with our local driving environment
  • Skids – Causes and Control
  • Dealing with Adverse Driving Conditions (Weather and Light)
  • Time and Schedule management
  • Vehicle Safety and Recovery Systems (Seat Belts, ABS, Air Bags)
  • Facts about speed, reaction, following and stopping distance
  • Vehicle Pre-movement checks and inspection (Theory and Practical)
  • Fault identification and troubleshooting
  • Safe following distance, Vision/Scanning Techniques
  • Detailed explanation of Road Traffic Signs/Highway Code
  • Driver vision screening and Theory Test
  • Demonstrate the ability to carry out driving commentary effectively


Proficiency Improvement & Certification/Safe (Defensive) Driving Course is designed for candidates that have basic driving skills and are licensed to drive on Nigerian roads.

It is a driving orientation program designed to ensure that the participant, by the end of the training, has a better understanding of hazard identification; has the requisite skills to manage the actions or inactions of other road users; appreciates the importance of pre and post-journey vehicle inspections, managing the six driving conditions, and lots more.

Detailed discussions on the need for and importance of Journey management, Commentary drive, hazard perception/identification, understanding traffic regulations and the Highway code, defense and timely action will be had. Also, emphasis is placed on physical and mental condition, the effect of drugs and alcohol and the characteristics of the defensive driver. Furthermore, participants are persuaded to recognize the impact of motor vehicles on the environment.

Two theory (pre and post course) motoring tests are conducted, to assess the overall impact of the course on participants.

Finally, a practical driving demonstration test is conducted for each candidate.

Practical Driver Assessment Course (Day 2)


  • License Verification
  • Vision Screening
  • Written theoretical assessment
  • Highway Code test
  • Practical Driver Commentary and Assessment
  • Candidates' debrief/tutorial class – aimed at correcting driving errors (utilizing visual aids)


  • To measure/assess driver knowledge and skills
  • To measure/assess driver perceptual skills and psycho-motor responses
  • To evaluate the driver's risk recognition and judgment
  • To measure the driver's on-the-road performance in each of the following skills


Following completion of the assessment, successful participants should be equipped to

Correctly apply selected Nigerian road traffic regulations and requirements to suggested hypothetical scenarios

Demonstrate in an appropriate vehicle, on-the-road application of: Pre/post driving checks

Anticipatory safe driving techniques-Safe and defensive driving

List the principles of journey management

The candidate's performance at the Practical Driver Assessment determines how ACE CENTER proceeds.

If found incompetent (FAIL), depending on the severity of failure, further Driver Training or a full Driver Assessment Course may be recommended. Successful candidates are awarded our accredited Driver certificate.

Company Rules and Regulations (as they affect driving culture) and the proper use of operational vehicles are also discussed at this stage.

Pre-Assessment Criteria, Aims, Objectives & Competence

All candidates approved by their sponsoring agency/organization that are required to drive vehicles as part of their job or for private use, qualify. Fluency in English is not essential.

Class Size, Course Duration, Documentation, Instructors and Vehicle:

The course is designed for a class size of six to ten participants. However, for practical sessions, an additional instructor is required to bring the participant: instructor ratio to 3:1. Each participant will have a total of 25 - 35 minutes of practical driver assessment.

Convoy/Escort Driving Course

The Objective Of The Escort/Convoy Driving Course Is To Prepare A Person To Act Effectively As A Convoy Leader By Understanding:

  • Planning reduces risks
  • Responsibilities while in convoy
  • The importance of the pre-trip meeting
  • The importance of communication
  • The rules of convoy driving
  • Response in the event of an incident
  • Ensure that convoy vehicles are roadworthy and in safe condition


The business of transportation has taken a new dimension in recent times with the turn of events especially those bothering on security. Government, banks and industry professionals have resorted to the use of convoy as a safer arrangement for transporting factors across destinations. It is necessary for us to understand that travelling in a convoy is not without some pack of caution to address as the following indicate:

A practical (hands-on) session will follow the theory session. In this segment of the training, the participants will drive in a two or more vehicles convoy from base to a pre- determined location. This session will include a commentary drive by all participants and the participants will have a chance to demonstrate their understanding of the subject as we assess each individual's understanding of the same.

Two theory (pre and post course) motoring tests are conducted, to assess the overall impact of the course on participants.

Finally, a practical driving demonstration test is conducted for each candidate.

Evasive/Anti-Terrorist Awareness Driving Course 
for VIP Drivers


Module I Security Measures For Driver Of Persons At Risk

  • Principles of hazard avoidance techniques
  • Explanation of the duties of an escort driver
  • Understanding the threat Host community
  • Armed Bandits
  • Aggrieved workers Procedure to search a vehicle
  • Principles of surveillance

Module II Inspecting A Vehicle For Signs Of Tampering Or Explosive Devices

  • Understand the threat of bombs to a driver and the VIP
  • Principles of ambush drills
  • Explanation of use of ambush drills in roadblock situations
  • Principles of anti-surveillance
  • Identifying and spotting of explosive devices
  • Principles of escort driving

Module III Guidelines/Awareness Development For Drivers And Persons At Risk

  • To be explained in the course

Module IV Practical Road Driving Techniques (Evasive Driving)

  • Principles of vehicle positioning to normal road driving
  • Practical cornering techniques for smooth driving Commentary driving
  • Principles of vehicle ramming techniques
  • Forced, target and intermittent braking
  • Anti-surveillance techniques during normal public driving


This course is designed for those individuals who are vulnerable and under the threat of a terrorist or organized criminal attack while in transit.

The training emphasizes the proactive approach to protection. Evasive Driving Training is designed to improve the car control skills of licensed drivers at any experience level. The student learns about vehicle dynamics and the importance of understanding “vehicle language”.

The Evasive Driving Anti-Terrorist awareness Course is a driving course designed and based on the ROADCRAFT Police Driver's Course on Advanced Driving for persons at risk and other persons that work with those at risk in trying to evade terrorist attacks.

The objective of the course is to enhance confidence, awareness, driving skills and maneuvering ability of the participants. The Evasive Driving and Anti-Terrorist awareness course is made up of four modules.

Practical Driving Session

A practical (hands-on) session will follow the theory session. In this segment of the training, the participant will drive from the course venue through public roads. This session will include a commentary drive by the participant and the participant will have a chance to demonstrate their understanding of the subject while we assess his understanding of the subject.

 Fluency in English is not essential.

Industrial/Heavy Goods Vehicle Driver Training/Assessment


To Measure/Assess Driver Knowledge And Skills

To Measure/Assess Driver Perceptual Skills And Psycho-Motor Responses

To Evaluate The Driver's Risk Recognition And Judgment

To Measure The Driver's On-The-Road Performance In Each Of The Following Skills:

  • Observation
  • Communication
  • Speed judgment
  • Vehicle positioning
  • Time and space judgment
  • Hazard perception


The Heavy Goods Vehicle driver assessment package is made up of six stages comprising an initial driver assessment with a manual transmission vehicle which will reveal each candidate's driving ability. A candidate may be considered to have passed the practical test at this stage provided he has satisfied the conditions of the practical test; a written assessment will follow and a group discussion session which is aimed at reviewing each candidate's minor driving faults. Company rules and regulation as it affects driving and the use of operational vehicles will be discussed with the candidates in a classroom.

Finally, a second practical driving demonstration test will be conducted for any candidate who does not meet the set standard to pass the test.

Candidates who passed will be awarded the Company permit to drive the relevant class of vehicle(s) with which he was tested. If the candidate is found not competent (FAIL), the candidate may be nominated to attend Heavy Goods Vehicle driver training Course or repeat the aspect(s) of the test that resulted to failure to pass the driving test.

Pre-Assessment Condition, Aims, Objective and Competence

All candidates approved by the sponsoring agency/organization that are required to drive vehicle as part of their job or for private use.

Fluency in English is not essential.

All participants will possess a valid Nigeria driver’s license, evidence of payment of Nigeria license. New arrival foreign nationals may be tested with international drivers license from their country of origin license provided they have not been in Nigeria for over six months.